SUICIDE BLONDE // find of the day III



BACK IN TIME // assorted pictures / suicide blonde



DOROTHY // nachgeschoben / rest


Cute, but did not match the Others .


WICKED / PENCIL / MADNESS // find of the day II


W I C K E D . P E N C I L . M A D N E S S

And this is what it works !

S H O E / P O R N // find of the day


L I F E L O U N G E   S A Y S :

Take a look through the portfolio of Jerusalem-based shoe sculpture and designer Kobi Levi. Since graduating from the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design in 2001, Levi has taken on the world of feet one suggestively sexual high-heel at a time.

Plus something about a_al f_ck_ng usability...

Right now the Site has a Problem.
Hopefully a link here soon:


D E A R / T R E E // print friendly


Save Money & the Environment

Generates print friendly Versions of Webpages (also PDFs)
and there is a Browser Button too.

Makes Sense and it looks better than Printing all the stupid Stuff
on the Page + takes less Time than CopyPaste...


C A M P U S / S U I T E // favorites

Image will follow soon...
can not upload Stuff on this Computer

cheap but very good
Stuff !

It's a Pitty that it is not just
one individual Business...

btw. the heading is the link...
it just didn't look
good in grey

T U S H 2 1 // like

Photographed by Armin MorbachDaniel Bamdad joins Ashley Smith for Tush’s latest cover.

Sometime it takes some Time until I like something or I know why I like it.
Its kind of... I don't know. Just hyping something is not...
You think it is great but one Week later the Magic is gone somehow
I love Tings that are difficult and you need Time to figure out what makes them special.