Very nice Florist's in Sydney.
I expected the usual Shop where you get your Flowers:
Pretty packed and rather semi-chic, with a nice old pudgy Lady.
But I found myself in a really beautiful, small Florist's.
As I was/am still feeling out-of-the-aircraft and
just wanted to buy some Flowers and Food
I felt quiet comfortable being dressed functional but nice
with the usual Shopping Bag in Black, Diana Mini,
red Shades and a messy Bun on top...
I don't expect the staff in a Florist's or a Supermarket dressed
exceptional well. So I felt a little bit shabby,
when I had to learn that at least one Florist in Sydney is
dresses very well, standing in a enlegant Shop, selling
beautiful Flowers. On top I realized that I wasn't that sure
what a Bunch of flowers is called...
But he was nice though an now
I sit next to beautiful Bouquet on my bed though.
(Although the website is not as good as the shop itself, but nice though)